Thinking of you Helen cheche, the kids, grandkids, extended families n friends. Sending much love n light. May God provide you n yours with peace, comfort n laughter in the coming days. So glad i saw you both not too long ago. Vale Kevin ko2. May you now be at peace n free of pain. Big hugs n loveVera Lung.
It was very sad to hear of our dear friend and brother Kevin’s passing…I actually choked with sorrow when I received the message yesterday…he amongst our many friends from Lae stands tall with genuine love for those he knew..
My late brother Michael was one who attested to this..It is with regret that we will not be there to say goodbye along with Helen and family …you can all be assured that the Zimmermann ‘s will always remember the wonderful and stalwart character of a beautiful man who graced the pathways of Lae and here for many years…we loved the man and the memories he planted…so with this we say our sad farewell to a genuine gentleman…..RIP DEAR KEVIN.
Love to the Seeto family and friends..let’s keep in touch.
Peace be with us all..
Yours in Christ
Malcolm Marie ,,,sisters Kathryn,Grace and extended family.
Dear Aunty Helen; Gavin; Trevor; Michelle - Immediate Family and Grand Children, my deepest and sincere condolences.
A personal tribute, Dear To My Favourite Uncle - Uncle Kevin.
You are my Fathers older brother and my Favourite Uncle.
You both have a loving brotherhood bond for which I witnessed on many occasions when you would come down from PNG on holidays and stay with us at the Family Farm in Marsden with Aunty Helen, Gavin, Trevor and Michelle.
It’s was nice to have both families together and what a lot of memories we shared. The best part of my childhood growing up.
I remember when we all fitted into our Families dark green Ford Cortina Station Wagon, and drove down to Southport for fishing and picnic time. We even made it over to South Stradbroke Island to go collect clam shells.
Always appreciated the times you gave us pocket money and buying the kids lollies at the airport before you boarded your flight to go back home to PNG.
Simple pleasures / memories and always cherished.
Thank you for being part of my life and your spirit and passion lives on in your family and friends.
It’s not good bye, however - see you later.
Your loving Nephew - Darren (Dan Dan).
My heart goes out to you all as you gather today to remember your dearest Kevin.
A man among men in any circumstance.
He was a pillar of love and support to his whole family and someone who will never be forgotten.
He now rests in peace with those who have passed before him, waiting for the day of reunion with those he has left behind.
Life is a mysterious circle but this world is certainly a poorer place without Kevin.
With much love to you all and real regret that I am unable to be with you today.
My Dear Brother, so sorry I cannot be there to say Goodbye . Thankyou for everything. My family will miss you. R.I.E.P.
Deepest condolences to Helen, Gavin, Trevor and Michelle and familes
Your sister, Nancy
Kevin and Helen were my neighbours in Lae. So many memories and a friendship that has lasted all these years. He was such a good and loyal fellow. I feel so sad to think he has gone from our lives. My thoughts are with you Helen. It has been a sad and difficult time for you. Wish I could be there with you. All my love, Anita