In loving memory of Lesley Anne Gough, fondly known by all as ‘Lee’.
Lee sadly passed, peacefully, surrounded by love and support in the presence of her family, on Friday 29th January 2021, 69 years young.
Lee leaves behind her adoring family, including her sisters Jackie and Tricia, her loving children, Damien, Emma, Hayley and their father Michael.
Lee also leaves behind her doting grandchildren, Amelia, Henry, Sylver, Ryder, Makani and Olive. Each of whom will remember her because of her kind and gentle way, unconditionally loving them and making them feel special, as she did for all her close friends and family.
A wonderful Mother, Nana, Sister, Aunty and friend to many. Lee was dearly loved by all and touched many hearts in her life.
Lee’s family and friends are invited to attend a celebration of Lee’s life. This is either through connecting online, or through attending the service that is being held in the Chapel of the Pinnaroo Crematorium; 285 Graham Road Bridgeman Downs (Within the grounds of the Pinnaroo Cemetery). The service is being held on Saturday 6th February 2021, commencing at 10:00 Am.
For those who are unable to attend the service in person, or choose to connect online, the service will be live streamed. The live streaming and invitation code will be supplied to you by one of Lee’s family members.
Following the service the family invite you to attend a wake at the Samford Pub from 11:30am onwards for lunch together, in memory of Lee and her love for outings with friends and family.
Please RSVP by Thursday 4th February 2021, directly to the family, if you wish to attend the service and or the wake, as numbers for both the service and the wake must to be confirmed prior. This is to ensure COVID safe plans are supported, and both venues can plan accordingly.
We welcome all, especially children, to write a letter, draw a picture, or leave a flower with Lee, a beautiful gesture that Lee would cherish. The family welcome you to leave the item/s with Lee’s coffin at the end the service.

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