Funeral Tribute

Warren Alexander Bruce




Family and Friends are respectfully invited to attend a service to celebrate Warren’s life, to be held in the Garden Chapel of the Albany Creek Memorial Park, 400 Albany Creek Road Bridgeman Downs, on Thursday 23rd May 2024, commencing at 12:00 pm.

Both Warren and Warren’s family would love it if you could attend wearing your favourite football teams jersey – any code.

The service will also be live streamed with the live stream link available on this page.


Garden Chapel of the Albany Creek Memorial Park


Thursday 23rd May 2024


12:00 pm


400 Albany Creek Road Bridgeman Downs


Messages from Friends & Family

I have been blessed to have know Warren for over 20 years. We have shared a friendship and had many laughs as well as deep conversations in that time. I have supported him when he was needing support. Got him smiling when he was struggling. I will miss him but know he is at peace now. Love and caring thoughts to both Michelle and Scott and family. Sorry I cannot be at his service.
Lorraine McSween

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